The Difference Between Full-Time Graduate StudentS and Part-Time Graduate Students

ioeinternet 26/08/2021 2381

First, what is a full-time graduate?

Full-time graduate students refer to national postgraduate enrollment regulations, through graduate entrance exams, or other enrollment methods recognized by the state, have been admitted to colleges with postgraduate education qualifications, or other educational institutions, in basic construction, or within the school , All-off, graduate students studying in school.

Second, what is the non-full-time graduate student?

Non-all-Japanese graduate students refer to national graduate enrollment regulations, through graduate entrance exams, or other enrollment methods recognized by the state, have been admitted to colleges with postgraduate education qualifications, or other educational institutions, the service agenda limit (general should In appropriate, the basic maintenance period is appropriate. In addition to other professions, or social practice, a variety of ways and flexible schedules are taken, and graduate students studying in nonunition.

Third, the difference between full-time research and non-full-time graduate students

1. Different learning methods

► Full-time graduate students: Students complete the graduate studies in the campus in th

e specified time.

► Non-full daily graduate students: Students can choose fixed time to school for learning, and if they meet their graduation requirements in the specified period, most of them are some work to enhance their qualifications.

2. Different learning

► Full-time postgraduate: Sushu is generally 3 years, and it is generally 2 years, but more and more schools are 2.5 years.

► Non-all-day graduate students: Learning time is generally 3 years and above, because the time is less time, in order to better study, the overall learning time is relatively long.

3. Tuition fees

► Full-time graduate; cost is low.

► Non-full daily graduate students: cost is higher.

4. Different scholarships

The school does not set a scholarship and aid for non-full-time graduate students.

5. The enrollment direction is different

► Full-time graduate: mainly facing undergraduate graduates.

► Non-full daily postgraduate: mainly facing a certain working years and experience in the employees.

6. Different graduation certificates

The graduation certificate obtained by the non-full-time graduate graduation has a "non-full daily" word.

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